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Today’s blog is titled: “Finding Your Why”

Writer's picture: Noreen N. HenryNoreen N. Henry

Why finding your way?

How do you find your way?

Finding is the action of finding someone or something. In this case, finding your ‘why.’ It’s also a conclusion reached as a result of an inquiry, investigation, and again, in this case, finding your ‘why.’

The word ‘why’ is for what reason or purpose. In this case, the reason or purpose of finding your ‘why.’ Why is also used to make or agree to a suggestion, and, again, in this case, finding your ‘why.’

One of the things I found my why in was healing from a hard heart.

How did I find my why?

I look at life from God’s perspective, so I pray about everything. When I pray for what I need, the answer comes to me. And with the answer to my prayers, I have to recognize it when it comes.

When I knew my heart was hard (because I could feel it), I prayed for God to help me with it.

I was led to be an ordained minister, and in that leading, I was led to be ordained through Joan Hunter Ministries.

I researched the website and saw that what the ordination through her ministry offered was exactly what I wanted. I then submitted an application for ordination, booked my airline ticket, then traveled to Houston to get ordained.

When I arrived in Houston and checked into the hotel, I met a couple, and their children, the first day of my arrival, not knowing that they were in town for the same thing.

In the evening, there was a meet-up at the ministry for those being ordained. Upon arriving to the venue to meet-up, the same couple I met at the hotel were there and we met again. Each time we saw one another we would laugh because of how we met, it was a funny experience (I won’t disclose it here for privacy purposes).

However, we connected and exchanged our information.

After ordination and traveling back home, I looked at their website, and what did they do “inner healing.” That was the answer to my prayer. If I didn’t follow the leading of being ordained at Joan Hunter Ministry and traveled to Houston, I would not have met that couple. Also, I wanted to get ordained the previous time it was offered, in the spring, but it worked out that I went to the fall ordination. If I had gone in the spring, I wouldn’t have met that couple and got my inner healing.

So, I scheduled time with the couple ministry and started my inner healing to remove the hard heart I was feeling.

My ‘why,’ in this case, was needing to get past the hard heart, and my answer was getting inner healing counseling with following steps that led me to find the help that I needed for my ‘why.’

This is part of victorious living, finding your ‘why.’

We first have to recognize what it is that we want, then take steps to get it because it doesn’t just happen, we have to do something different.

There is always hope to finding your ‘why’ and overcoming the situation.

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Thank you for taking the time to read this week’s blog, and know that there is always hope to finding your ‘why.’

Noreen N. Henry, Visionary Leader

Victorious Living Strategist

6x International Best Seller with 18 Published Books

Certified John Maxwell Team Leader

Book link: “Victorious Living: Guide To A Happier Life”

P.S. Remember to join our Victorious Living community.

P.P.S. I invite you to register for our overcomer Course: “Stuck Is NOT Your Story: Don’t Allow Food To Rob You Of Your Life.” Click here for details and to register:

Copyright © 2021 Noreen N. Henry

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