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Special Guest: Angela Ward

Introduce yourself and your brand to the audience

My name is Angela Ward, and I am a wife, Training Facilitator, Instructional Designer, Motivational Speaker, and the owner of “In A Moment.” My business, In A Moment, was created based on my passion to help others see the overcomer within them. I have over 27 years of facilitation experience for both technical and soft skills training. In A Moment was born in March of 2020 as a God idea. My passion is for others, to help them see and achieve their goals. There is a lot of negativity in the world, so In a Moment is all positive. It has 4 key focuses: Uplift, Encourage, Motivate and Educate. I created a Facebook group where each week, I post a message with the focus for the week along with a weekly check-in and we have gift card and other prize giveaways. My focus is to remind others, they are not a mistake, they have an amazing purpose that is needed. They are overcomers and to keep pressing forward and that In A Moment, everything can change in an amazing way! My goal is to grow the group by spreading positive, faith-based messages and encouragement and to eventually become a non-profit to continue to add more giveaways to be a blessing.

Why did you decide to join this collaboration project?

I decided to join this project because I feel I have powerful stories of overcoming being stuck and being set free. I want to see others achieve their goals and to move to a place of blessing. I have always been a writer with a desire to bring a positive message to the world, but I didn't even know where to begin. When this opportunity was presented to me, I prayed about it and spoke with my husband. I was concerned about having the time and about even the financial investment. After speaking with Noreen, seeing her interview on Real Talk with Dr. JoWanda Rollins-Fells and feeling a stirring in my heart, I felt God was opening this opportunity for me. My husband, Terrence, always encourages me to seek my purpose and my passion and just like he supported In A Moment, when I started it, he was 100% behind me to go for this dream. It is my hope that my story along with all of the others that will be in this book, will positively change the lives of so many that feel stuck and set them free.

Provide a brief summary of your story

My story is based on Freedom through Forgiveness. After my parents divorced, I lost my relationship with my Dad. I become bitter and angry and blamed him for so many of the short comings in my life. I didn't realize I was actually hurting myself by allowing this to grow inside of me. Over 20 years passed by like a dash, but then I learned the true power of forgiveness. I hope you will read my story and learn about the true power of forgiveness and that truly, forgiveness is for you.

Share one challenge you encountered during your becoming unstuck journey?

One challenge I faced in my journey for getting pass justifying being right. I was so focused on the fact that I was right and my Dad was wrong, that I didn't see the part I played. It was easier to place blame vs. taking ownership or admitting where I was wrong.

Share one tool you applied to transcend the challenge?

The key tool was the word and taking ownership. I learned to see the part I had control of in the situation and where I had not taken control. I was a believer, a Christian, yet my behavior in this area was out of line. When I learned to truly look at myself, see my flaws and admit my mistakes, it changed me in the most amazing way!

What do you do to maintain the phrase “Stuck Is NOT Your Story: Change Is Possible?

I remind myself that when I feel stuck, I need to look at the part that I have control of and not focus on what I want someone else to do. I trust God and I take responsibility for my mistakes. I admit where I am wrong and I am quick to forgive and to apologize where I fall short. I don't judge others and I encourage them toward freedom by taking ownership of what they control in a situation.

What is next for you?

Next for me is to grow In A Moment and continue to share hope and encouragement with the world. I will continue to believe and work for the group to grow and become a non-profit. Then I will be in a position to be more of a blessing to others. I would also love the opportunity to get more speaking engagements to share other’s stories of overcoming and the power of taking ownership for what you can control. It is my hope this opportunity to be a part of this amazing message, is a major step in that journey.

Share words of encouragement for the reader

You are an overcomer and you don't have to be stuck. Know that while you cannot control others, you can control you. Seek God, take responsibility and forgive. Forgiveness is truly for you and it will set you free beyond your wildest imaginations. Don't be afraid to let someone off the hook that may have hurt you. Holding onto anger and bitterness will only hold you back and keep you living ground hog's day. Be free by forgiving and moving on in your purpose in God.

What is your favorite quote?

"I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me."

Angela’s social media handles:



Click this link to purchase your own autographed copy from Angela:

Thank you for taking the time to read this week’s special guest blog, and know that there is always hope no matter what.

Noreen N. Henry

Victorious Living Strategist

7x International Best Seller with 20 Published Books

Certified John Maxwell Team Leader

TV Talk Show Host


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