If you’re wondering why I stay “Stuck Is NOT Your Story: Change is Possible” it’s due to the testimonies in my life where I was stuck in circumstances, and have taken steps to change it.
Stuck is something that's frozen or fixed in one place and can't be moved. If your foot gets stuck in the mud, it means you can't get your foot out of its messy trap. The lid of a jar can be stuck, and your car can get stuck in traffic; either way, the thing that's stuck isn't going anywhere. In this case, I am talking about being stuck and trapped in things in your life.
Stuck is also to continue, pursue, remain, stay, linger, dwell, adhere, cling, persist.
But, there is hope, there is always to be become unstuck.
One of my stories, that I talk about often, where what I was stuck and trapped in was emotional eating, that came with additional negative habits. I was stuck in the vicious cycle of emotional eating.
Excerpt from one of my books “Food Addiction: The Struggle Has Been Real”: “I prayed continually for the Lord’s help. He gave me the courage to admit to myself that I was a food addict and then He gave me another dose of bravery so that I could be vulnerable and share my struggles with you in hopes that my story will help you find the freedom and victory you desire.” You can read more about my story in my book, seek the link below.
I was tired of being stuck in the vicious cycle of emotional eating, and being alone with it because no one knew what I was going through. I wasn’t free to speak about it as I was often told things like, “just don’t eat.” I suffered in silence for many years before I became unstuck.
Due to my struggles, I was led to create a coaching program to help those that are stuck and suffering too. This course is open for registration NOW [https://tinyurl.com/Crash-Course-Way-to-Success] and is only taught twice a year.
If this is something you want for yourself, or you know of someone that this can help, I encourage you to register for it. This is a safe space, no judgment zone for you to be free.
For me, I wanted to overcome emotional eating. As I’ve mentioned before, I struggled with emotional eating for many years, not knowing what to do or where to turn to for help, and at first, I didn’t know I had a problem and I didn’t know there was a name for it.
After I became aware that I had an issue and that there is a name for what I was doing it, I still struggled with the cycle of overeating.
Here are 3 Tips to help to become unstuck:
1. Be aware that you are stuck. Do a self-reflection. If you are not aware that you are stuck, you can’t do anything about it so it will remain.
2. Find a purpose and passion. As you operate from your purpose and passion, it helps to become unstuck because it takes the focus off of it.
3. Leave behind the things that are not constructive for you. Show up and be willing to do the work. For example, register for the course I mentioned above. Click here: https://tinyurl.com/Crash-Course-Way-to-Success.
The journey has been long for me because I didn’t have the tools or guidance needed to help me through. I’m happy that I’ve gained a lot of knowledge and am now using it to help mankind. It’s one of my passions and purpose. There are many programs out there, however, with my program, I’ve taken the guess work out of it, and will help you to save many years. You are never alone.
I encourage you to analyze and evaluate your life to see where you are regards to where you are stuck, and depending on the outcome of your evaluation, take necessary steps to change it because it is possible. As you know from my testimonies, I’m speaking from experience. Know that you are not alone it this, you can reach out to me for guidance.
Thank you for taking the time to read this blog, and know that “there is always hope to become unstuck!”
Noreen N. Henry, Visionary Leader
Victorious Living Strategist
6x International Best Seller
Certified John Maxwell Team Leader
Course link: https://tinyurl.com/Crash-Course-Way-to-Success
Copyright © 2021 Noreen N. Henry