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Special Guest: Janice Freeman

Updated: Jul 13, 2021

Introduce yourself and your brand to the audience

Janice Freeman is a speaker, pastor, entrepreneur, coach, business owner, author, writer, mentor. Ms. Freeman is a hard-working entrepreneur who regularly burns the midnight oil of achievement. Janice Freeman resides in Southern California with her three sons, Joshua, Brandon, and Marcus. In her spare time, she enjoys writing poignant, introspective poetry, and most recently writing her astounding memoir is a great woman with a great heart who is dedicated and committed to the things she passionate about. She Got Up Production, is an offspring of the book, One Woman's True-Life Testimony of "She Got Up!" It was created to bring forth change in the lives of the people. Our Company goals and objectives are centered upon presenting conferences, stage plays, films, and other ventures that will reach millions around the world through different platforms to bring forth healing restoration, hope, and deliverance.

Why did you decide to join this collaboration project?

My reason for joining the collaboration is to collaborate with other great women to Empower, Inspire, Motivate and to grow and learn from other strong women. Also, to be a blessing to all around the world.

Provide a brief summary of your story

After a series of inexplicable, supernatural attacks against her life, Janice Freeman fought back the only way she knew how--with the supernatural forces of God in "She Got Up" Freeman talks about the harrowing, near catastrophes which tried to destroy her, and how she clung to God, moment by, moment. Within each experience you'll see God's deliverance, bringing her to the safe harbor of His protection. Janice Freeman won her fight, and she wants you to win yours!

Share one challenge you encountered during your becoming unstuck journey?

One of my challenges that I've encountered during my becoming unstuck journey, was Domestic Violence. I was in a relationship that started out with a lot of great things happening and the gentleman and I really cared about each other. He showed me love and had love for me. Then as time went on, I started noticing different types of signs and I thought to myself. "What is going on here?" One day he pushed me against the wall and twisted my arm and I ended up in the emergency room. That's when I prayed and asked, God to help me get out of this situation safely. That was my encounter during my becoming unstuck.

Share one tool you applied to transcend the challenge?

The tool that I applied to transcend the challenge was seeking God daily in prayer, walking by faith, standing, and operating through my PUSH.

What do you do to maintain the phrase “Stuck Is NOT Your Story: Change Is Possible?

I maintain my Story by Fasting, Prayer, Encouragement, Loving who I am, Affirmations, Being True to Self, Trusting God, and Standing on His Word. It's so important to maintain your identity and voice and loving you.

What is next for you?

My next is to continue to write books that will be a blessing to many lives, conduct plays from one of my books " She Got Up" and also conferences globally. One Step At a Time! That is my next.

Share words of encouragement for the reader

Believe in you and continue to win in your purpose and destiny. Don't let anything stop your "PUSH" Pease and Blessings!

What is your favorite quote?


Janice’s social media handles:


Contact Janice to purchase your own autographed copy from her.

Thank you for taking the time to read this week’s special guest blog, and know that there is always hope no matter what.

Noreen N. Henry, Visionary Leader

Victorious Living Strategist

7x International Best Seller with 20 Published Books

Certified John Maxwell Team Leader

TV Talk Show Host


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Noreen is a “contributing writer” for “Own It! Magazine”

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