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"God’s Will"

Writer's picture: Noreen N. HenryNoreen N. Henry

“Are you in God’s Will?”

As a result of the phrase I coined “Life Is Fragile, Handle With Care” that came about with what happened to my younger brother recently, I’m led to talk about God’s will.

My book “Are You In God’s Will, Do You Know That You Have To Choose?” talks about being in God’s will. Here is the link if you would like to purchase a copy

It’s important to learn of God and be in His will because there are unseen spiritual forces at work to either make our lives broken, mediocre, or stuck by trying to steal from us, destroy us, and try to kill us, whereas we have life and life more abundantly from God’s perspective.

“We have so much in God, we just have to learn it.”

Here are excerpts from my book “Are You In God’s Will, Do You Know That You Have To Choose?”:

“As is with most people, I experienced certain things in my life that caused a lot of hurt, misery, pain, and depression. I have journeyed through and witnessed the actual destruction of my life. The Lord stopped me on the path of destruction and changed me and my life 180 degrees.

He is now using me to expose the devil and his lies and to teach the truth about God’s Words. This book is the beginning of explaining the true things in life; that is, the truth about God and how we must be obedient to Him because of the dire consequences, even though we have freewill.”

“Are you in God’s will for your life, or, are you in satan’s will?

Do you know that you have to choose?

Do you know what happens if you don’t choose?

Being in God’s will means to live by His standards that are set forth in His Bible, it’s plain and simple.

When we are not living by God’s standards, it means we are living by satan’s standards (meaning society’s standard), and are in satan’s will.”

I didn’t know this many years ago and as a result of this, my life was on a destructive path.

Satan uses tactics, that are so subtle, that we don’t always realize what is a work in our lives. One of the things is our thoughts and our words. It is so important to know this because we get what we say whether we mean the words or not. I’ve seen this happen so many times with things that have happened to others with words that were said that were not meant.

My advice is to you is to analyze your life to make sure you are in God’s will. It makes a huge, huge difference. If you need help with this, let me know.

There is always hope to be in God’s will, it’s actually imperative.

Thank you for taking the time to read this week’s blog, and know that there is always hope no matter what.

Noreen N. Henry, Visionary Leader

Victorious Living Strategist

6x International Best Seller with 18 Published Books

Certified John Maxwell Team Leader

TV Talk Show Host


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