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Special Guest: Ann Mushendwa

Introduce yourself and your brand to the audience

I am Ann Mushendwa, a transition coach who helps women experiencing divorce to tame the inner storm and breathe clarity and confidence into their new beginning. I believe every woman has the power within to conquer the mountains she faces, she simply needs support and guidance to help her along the way!

After experiencing my own divorce I found love again and remarried. My second husband is from Tanzania, Africa and is a long-distance truck driver. We have blended our families and we have three teenage boys. We live with my mother in a multi-generational home. There is always a lot happening in our family and my husband describes me as the "engine" that keeps the family moving. I spent 20 years working professionally with women and families before pivoting to my own coaching business. I have a passion for helping women through transitions, as I know the challenges faced when tackling changes in life.

Why did you decide to join this collaboration project?

I decided to join this project because I have wanted to write my own book and I thought being part of a collaboration would be a great way to start. Also, Ms. Henry is an inspiration and gave me the inspiration to reach for my goals. I felt like this book topic was the message that I needed to deliver.

Provide a brief summary of your story

At a young age I thought I found the love of my life, and I soon came to find that marriage was going to involve more heartache than I realized. After 16 years I had to decide if I would stay in a situation that felt unhealthy for me and my children. I was committed and loved my husband and I wanted things to work, but something did not feel right. I was constantly told I was the problem, little did I know I was being emotionally abused. If I left how, would I survive without my husband and would I ever be worthy of love again? Only God had the answers.

Share one challenge you encountered during your becoming unstuck journey

I had to learn to trust God - trust that He was leading me in the best direction for myself and my family, trust that this was not going to be a decision that I regretted because others viewed me leaving my husband as a “sin”, trust that with the Lord’s strength I could take care of myself and not need my husband, trust that I was worthy of love again. This was all very hard for me, because up until this point I relied on my husband and so it forced me to turn to God. It was exactly what I needed.

Share one tool you applied to transcend the challenge?

Because of my background in clinical psychology I looked for ways to work through the pain of my separation from my husband. I created my own original framework in which I wrote the obituary of my marriage. I wanted to be able to let go of what was so I could begin to embrace new beginnings. I found it very cathartic and I have been able to design a format so others can do the same in their relationships. I think it is crucial, when people are ready, to take the time to process what was, work on acceptance, and find a way to move forward.

What do you do to maintain the phrase “Stuck Is NOT Your Story: Change Is Possible?

My faith is crucial to me. I rely a lot on prayer and the Lord to help me through and remind me that no matter what I am a child of God who has limitless possibilities. If needed I utilize meditation and scripture or words of motivation to keep me uplifted.

What is next for you?

I am planning on traveling to Africa July 2021 to visit family and my hope is to not just help women here in the U.S., but to be able to help women all across the world. I want to empower women to be leaders in their homes, and in their communities. I believe women everywhere need to be reminded of their power within!

Share words of encouragement for the reader

We all face difficulties on a daily basis, but we must remember that we have been created to rely on one another. I think the most crucial things we need to remind ourselves is that we need one another, and it is okay to seek support and help. We must be alright with this. And when things get hard we need to look deep within ourselves to remember how we overcame obstacles in the past, because we did! We have climbed mountains and hills before, and we can do it again. Put one foot in front of the other and see how exciting it is to make an accomplishment. You can do it! No matter what you face you are not alone! The Lord Almighty is by your side day and night! He is good!

What is your favorite quote?

“You are greater than you know”

Mother Teresa

Ann’s social media handles:

Click this link to purchase your own autographed copy from Ann:

Thank you for taking the time to read this week’s special guest blog, and know that there is always hope no matter what.

Noreen N. Henry

Victorious Living Strategist

7x International Best Seller with 20 Published Books

Certified John Maxwell Team Leader

TV Talk Show Host


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